Kategorie-Archiv: Elektronik

Naked GoPro 9 – Decasing and Recasing

Beta95 with naked Gopro 9.

I have been a hobbyist drone pilot for a few years now. I am not the best pilot in the world but i am proficient enough in handling FPV-Dones to get my share of fun.

One of the main aspects that drew me to the hobby is the tinkering with electronics. And although i usually take the cheapest routes, because it still is a hobby and not my day-job, i get to play around with cool stuff from time to time. If i use an action cam to record in-flight footage it usually is some cheap knock-off model and not something expensive like an original GoPro.

A few days ago a friend asked if i could help him out with building one or more „naked GoPro“ cameras. This means removing all the components of an original GoPro from their case and putting them into some lightweight 3d-printed or injection moulded case. The point of this is to use those stripped GoPros on small drones which and capture great looking footage. Depending on the excat model it is possible to reduce the weight by around 100g. And that makes a huge difference if the overall weight of the drone, including the camera and battery, should be below 250 gr. Lower weight means longer flight times and less stress on the components.

Over the generations of GoPros it became increasingly difficult to remove them from their case. I do own one GoPro 6 and it was fairly easy to strip it. As i researched how to remove the case of a GoPro 9 i found several videos that showed the process involving hack-saws or similar brutal instruments.

I was pretty sure that there had to be an easier way. Maybe not totally reversible but at least not leaving everything in bits and pieces.


Building a compact arduino based DMX testing device

We are currently working on a project that involves a device that reacts in a certain way to signals it gets via DMX. DMX is a protocol that is widely used for lighting and effects.

We had the option to rent a fully fledged DMX console for testing our hardware prototypes. But this would have been cost-intensive and time consuming. And i knew that the protocol itself is not the most complex thing in the world. I had the idea to build a small device that could send a DMX signal. Weiterlesen

Ford Focus DA3 – NO GPS – Reparatur Navigationssystem in Eigenregie

gps_0001Komfort erzieht zur Faulheit. Seit ich ein Auto mit eingebautem Navigationssystem habe muss ich mir keine Strecke mehr merken. Ich gebe das Ziel ein und folge den Anweisungen.

So lief es zumindest bis mein Auto der Meinung war, ich sei irgendwo in Norddeutschland inmitten eines Waldgebiets. Des Rätsels Lösung war ganz einfach: Kein GPS Empfang mehr.
